I'll make this quick.
These fly in's are radically fucking powerful.
As the owner and CEO of multiple multi-million dollar companies I know just how powerful it is to network, lean on and learn from other CEO's and business owners.
And that is why I have decided to make these monthly fly in's available for everyone inside THE LIONS DEN, and now we are opening them up around the country and offering limited seats for non-members to attend.
The FLY IN is a one day, LIMITED SEATING event where we build, scale, refine, and grow business.
These fly in's are NOT going to be 8-10 hours of speakers just spitting a presentation at you, you and the other members will be working collectively together to problem solve, learn, grow and build.
These fly in's are limited seating and now with an opportunity for non-members to attend as well they will fill up quickly, so do not wait to reserve you seat.
It's that simple.
No hype at the Fly In. No fluff or puff at the Fly In.
You and a small group of Lions Den members building BIG SHIT.
Social Media.
Lead Gen.
You need it, we will help you with it.
It does NOT matter how big or small your business is.
It does NOT matter how much revenue you do.
It does NOT matter how many employees you have.
All that matters is that you have a business and you want to fucking GROW THE SHIT OUT OF IT.
These one day events can and will literally change your life and business, and over the last 7 years of doing them with hundreds and hundreds of people attending, we have proven this time and time again.
It's not a matter of IF a nugget comes, but HOW BIG of a nugget gets dropped in your lap.
So click the BIG RED BUTTON below and reserve your seat for the next fly in in your area.
And for those of you over achievers make sure you check the calendar for the dates and locations of the other Fly In's happening around the country because our leadership team is epic, and you should attend as many of these as you can!
See you there.
p.s. We have never not had a Fly In sell out, so seriously as soon as you see the date and location available RESERVE YOUR SEAT!